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It is easy to envision. Consultants are born every day as the freelancing industry keeps growing and both continue to change and evolve. Today, people work from their car, home, local coffee shop. They work on several tasks each day. They have access to a global market from a smartphone. Good salespeople know how to pace their work in harmony with their most productive hours. Great salespeople work from anywhere at any time and get the deals done. It's the evolution of the way to do business and it means freedom.  Freedom from an old process that no longer optimizes the company or the individual - commute, sit, stagnate and suffer.  
Sharks are self-motivated, work smart AND they're individuals who require little to no management. When you with a CSH Group Shark you get down to business fast to get business done. Getting started is easy. Establish a target audience. Develop a new business strategy. Both consultant and client agree on goals and incentives. When goals are met, incentives are paid. No more performance reviews, office politics, personality clashes and personnel lawsuits.  No more packages, pensions and health benefits.  Don't go payroll - pay for results.
The Consultant Agreement

Meeting of the Minds

Terms of Payment

We listen to what you need and give you our professional advice on the best fit for your project.  We take our time to make certain the project is carefully designed to ensure every detail, from the components to the consultant, fits perfectly.  If you need a business development professional or a sales person we work together to identiffy metrics for defining goals and quotas. We believe expectation management starts with refined goal indentification, periodic progress checks and agreed upon destinations and deadlines.  


There is a reason why our consultants choose not to be employees.  They have mastered their trade and do not need to be managed.  When you hire a consultant through The CSH Group you leave the management to us. We thoroughly scrutinize prospective consultants with forensic investigation into past successes, track records, online reputation, references and history of expertise.  Whether the consultant is on-site or off, we are in contact to ensure your project meets both budget and deadline. 


No payroll.  No salary.  No bonus.


It's simple.


All consultants earn commission at contract. Per diem travel/expenses to be determined per gig. Additional incentives determined per gig. Business Development determined by base fee.





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