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President and Lead Shark, Christina Lewis Goetjen, started her career as a freelancer more than a decade ago after working in sales and client service within the pharmaceutical industry. Her first consulting gig offered a chance to work without salary, benefits, management or equipment in exchange for expenses and 8% of all contracts paid on invoice. In the first year she made twice what she made as an employee and the client experienced the most profitable year in its history. 


Too often great people find themselves growing apathetic in a staid, nine-to-five routine of employment. The lack of incentive, challenge and "need to feed" is kryptonite to real Sales Sharks and often results in apathy and loss of confidence and ultimately, employment. However, both salesperson and company no longer need a 40-hour deskbound sales situation. Health care, savings plans, insurance and vacations can all be managed by the consultant freeing a company and the consultant of the economic and emotional stresses that come with managing a sales team.  Real salespeople thrive on autonomy and want to take control of their earning potential. A true consultant Sales Shark is empowered to achieve freedom, independence and security.  Higher quality performance from happier workers makes better business sense.   



Christina S. Lewis Goetjen

President, The CSH Group

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